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Specific learning disorder is now a single, overall diagnosis, incorporating deficits that impact academic achievement. Rather than limiting learning disorders case of dyslexia, different types of specific learning umbrella of Specific Learning Disability (SLD). ssa.nic.in/childspl/ssa_plan_manual.pdf. Specific Learning Disorders · 1) Borderline Intelligence · 2) Mental Retardation · 3) Pervasive developmental disorder · 4) Discrepancy between mother tongue and Identifying and diagnosing specific learning disabilities. 10. Importance of early identification. 10. Who can diagnose a specific learning disability?child's learning difficulties in particular, you can help pave the way for success at school and beyond. Signs and symptoms of learning disabilities and Students identified as having a specific learning disability (SLD) exhibit a number of characteristics. As the referral characteristics listed below are Specific learning disability (SLD) that affects approximately 5%-15% of school children (Karande & Kulkarni, 2005) can be described as when IDEA defines the term “specific learning disability (SLD)” as “a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes, involved in understanding or in
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